Tuesday 9 January 2018

What do you mean it is all over, Santa?

I don’t think this is humane. Santa, the elves and the rest of the Christmas gang cannot just dump us and disappear. After two months of an almost exclusive relationship, Christmas abandons our lives leaving us in full January dread. No fairy lights, no cosiness and optimism, no calorie-free chocolates (everybody knows that the Christmas magic prevents fat from being accumulated), no compulsory shopping (as if I needed an excuse…), nothing to look forward to (and Valentine’s day doesn’t count). Nothing at all. Unacceptable.

But at least this year I have a partner in defiance. My daughter and I are still singing Jingle Bells, We wish you a Merry Christmas and all other merry songs: at home, in the street, we don’t care. We look and point at the corner of the flat where the Christmas tree used to stand and quietly sigh. Then we proceed to draw and paint Christmas scenes and decorations. We are already counting the days to next year’s festivities. She is learning that no matter how many times a man tries to get away from you, you just keep going after him, relentlessly. He will change his mind at some point. Santa is no exception.

This pigheadedness is the reason she came into this world. And now she is a tiny Emotionally Incompetent disciple. There was no way I could find one: I had to make her.

Friday 5 January 2018

The dark side of a fat moon

As I was lying in bed this morning, gently squeezing a japenourmous headache out of my brain, I tried to distract my aching neurons with some pointless thinking. For instance, I realised that the majority of my friends and valuable work connections are the ones I made either as a student or in the early years of my career. There are probably various reasons for this: the camaraderie of the rookies against the system (before the system is actually represented by us), the possibility (if not the expectation) of asking for help and supporting each other (without looking like a weakling who cannot sort their shit out), the hopes and dreams fuelling the positive optimism that makes you a person people do want to hang out with, and the lack of a family outside the walls of your office to run to at night.

This train of thought unearthed the memory of the one who got away, of the university friend who disappeared after I made an idiotic, thoughtless and prejudiced comment. Issue is, in our culture, thinness is considered beautiful, it is acceptable and never frowned upon. We would never dream of calling someone “too fat”, not to their face at least; but we consider “too thin” to be a compliment. And so I did. When we stopped for a coffee, I could not refrain from commenting on her need for at least a muffin or a cookie as she was way, way too thin. My conditioned brain did not consider for a moment that she was probably going through some very tough times, that she was suffering from an eating disorder. I thought I was paying her a compliment. Had she invited me to put down the triple soya latte for some green tea because my aging arse was getting way out of control, I would have recoiled in horror, accusing her of body shaming me. Only, I was doing exactly the same. She never spoke to me again. As I tried to reconnect, emails bounced back, Facebook and LinkedIn were silent. Sometimes I wonder if she is actually well.

As I lie down in bed next to my daughter, I commit to never call her either thin or fat. Only healthy. Because that is all I hope she ever is. 

Saturday 30 December 2017

Three reasons why

A man spends time with you:
1. He wants to/thinks he can have sex with you 
2. You can help him have sex with somebody else
3. You can help him make money/advance professionally

A woman spends time with you:
1. You can help her solve her problems
2. You are exceptionally good in bed
3. She is in love with you

Now we can all chose how to fool ourselves.

Saturday 18 January 2014

My new pet hates

People smoking and spouting their evil puffs on my face (won't you just quit? It is bad for everybody involved). Cyclists not stopping at traffic lights and/or pedestrian crossings (you are not the most at-risk on the road, you know, pedestrians are).  Bad advertising at the cinema (massive screen: use it properly). Phone fiddling while walking/driving/peddling (give it five minutes, five). Casual walking up to someone's desk, farting, walking off (it happens, it happened, urgh). Photos of food on Facebook. Anything too personal shared on Facebook. Facebook.

Contradictions? Nono, I love those.

Thursday 11 April 2013

A case of mistaken identity

On the phone with a sensitive, clever and very nice person, who, after listening to my rambling, says: "I am amazed by your awareness: you are clearly very emotionally intelligent".
I laughed so hard I had to put the phone down.
The record is straight again.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Full fat

Hello Cleveland! I am back.
And does it feel good.

So, too much to tell in one blog post, on a freaking iPad, on a very cold Easter Day (Jeez, I officially despise touchscreens).
I learnt a lot of cool stuff I can't wait to share. 
I shall start today with the love for my wrinkles, my age, my experience, my family, my job, my friends, my team, my life.
Tomorrow.. Well, that's a different story.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Contrary to previous beliefs, I am starting to accept that there is an actual limit to the emotional turmoil a person can go through at a given time. A bit like full Tupperware, if something new comes, something old has got to go.
Which is really irritating if you are trying to maintain an indefinite number of plates spinning in the air at every one time. But then the options are to either let them all fall, or hold some of them in your hands until the spinning becomes more manageable. 

As you can imagine, the difference between Emotionally Competent people and EIs is in the handling and communication of the overall scenario. An EI will freeze, panic and retrieve, staring at the plates, both spinning and in their hands. And possible let them fall anyway.

Nobody is perfect.

Tuesday 31 July 2012


Yes, I read it. Yes, I liked it. Yes, I agree.

But let me transport you to another blink. The one in which all that you cherished vanishes. The one that goes from ‘have’ to ‘have not’. And that leads to the inevitable ending. Because relationships are meant to fizzle away. They always do. It is just a matter of when.
So, enjoy it while it lasts.

And yes, I had a crap day, week, month, year. Going to eat chocolate instead.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Why didn't anybody tell us?

That life was going to be so bloody hard? I would have spent more time travelling, pretending to get a degree, generally fuffing around.. And instead, I rushed towards adulthood.. Yuck!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Feeling confucius

When you are too old and involved to go for a crazy weekend with your single friends, and too child-lacking to be part of the mums' brigade.

Honorary auntship is what's left.