Sunday, 15 January 2012

Little pieces

I am officially losing it.
I may have posted something similar before, but the end is now in sight. Mind lost. Forever.

Let's be optimistic and say that I am not a case of premature Alzheimer's. Then, how shall we explain the showing up at a meeting a week earlier, forgetting two birthdays in a row (as well as the spelling of the word 'Alzheimer'), bursting out laughing on my own on the underground while thinking about a funny joke, getting off at the wrong station, the wrong exit, the wrong line? Not finding addresses even if aided by Google Maps, staring aimlessly at the phone, mixing up email recipients, leaving messages in the Drafts folder and never press 'Send'?

What is making me walk into shop windows, smile at strangers, go from tears to hyperactivity in the time it takes to devour a KitKat (the chocolate bar, not the fetish club in Berlin), stare at people kissing on the train, wave hello at random children, buy impossibly tight dresses?

Oh crap.
I am getting old!


  1. Love this one! You're not alone :-)

  2. Welcome to the club...

  3. You are but brilliant and never fail to bring a smile to my face! :)

  4. finally
    someone i can relate to.
