Thursday, 1 July 2010


Since so many things have happened in the last couple of weeks, I feel compelled to write again.

First of all, Best Friend got married. For those who know her (including the lady herself) quite a shock. But a very good one. The real bride was Young W. So happy, so excited, so in the zone.

BTW, honey, yes, ten years is usually the case. Not always, but usually the underlying idea.

Aaahh, love.. So contagious, uplifting, touching and just, let's face it, painful! A return to basics, away from the 'do', 'see', 'visit', 'buy'. Just love.. Not too shabby, uh?

If some have a new husband, I have a new job. End of the leisure time, I am back in business. Literally. So far, so good. Although I am a scardy cat really, as I moved only the other side of the Bridge from my old office. One of these days I will end up knocking at the wrong door, I am sure.

What else? The World Cup is providing enough painful entertainment. Like an uncorresponded crush. Full on EI territory. Hence, I am glued to the screen.
Single Friend #2 is ever so sweet. We went to see Pearl Jam (and Gomez) in Hyde Park. Yep, felt like 18 years had not passed.. (I wish) Eddie, oh Eddie. I am in my 30's, you are in your 40's, but, boy, you are hot!

Talking about heat, it is all going bonkers here. Italy was cold and rainy. England is hot and sunny.

You see, that's why I am in such a good mood. Life is full of surprises. Never, ever, ever stop believing that something is going turn out to be just.. amazing.

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