Thursday 6 January 2011

The great escape

Running, as usual, on my way to the station from work, tonight my proverbial clumsiness led me to miss a step and twist my ankle. Nothing serious, but it forced me to slow down considerably; and miss my train. Which begs the question: where are we rushing to all the time? To better jobs, better selves, better relationships? ENOUGH. That's it, I give up. What's the point anyway? At my sweet old age, do I really have a chance to improve?
A friend recently wished me a Happy New Year of emotional competence.. I appreciate the thought, I really do, but there isn't a chance on earth it is going to happen. Not for lack of trying. But for lack of spots left on my coat to try and change. As another friend once said, if it all goes tits up, c'est la vie!

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