Friday 14 October 2011

Talk to strangers

A while back, English Rose witnessed a lovely encounter worth reporting.

Here it is:

Busy carriage of a commuters’ train, late in the evening.
Young guy in his 20s settles in his seat. Looks around and, having spotted an abandoned newspaper, asks the girl in the next seat if she minds him reading it.
She looks at him straight in the eyes and replies: 'Of course' – and adds – ‘you are very smiley, you know?’ How do you manage that at the end of a long day?’
And so the conversation starts.
Before getting off at his station, he asks for her number. Will he call?

As English Rose put it: ‘No online dating, no drunken mess or meat market club. I am reassured.’

What can I add?
I am not against any of the above. You have to do what you have to do to find whatever it is that tickles your fancy. But it is indeed reassuring that good old words, smiles, sparks, instant connections still mean something to us.
May I just add that I mainly admire the courage of these two train-daters to grab the fleeting moment, to act quickly and think later.

Now, I wish I knew how it all ended..


  1. now they are dating on FB for next tube meeting

  2. God save the TravelCard

  3. now they are riding on a red vespa

  4. ...she's driving her red vespa. He never was brave enought to try...before knowing her!

    It was the first time in his life he dared to ask for the number to a stranger girl.

    For the first time in his life he felt...a.l.i.v.e.!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. As Smart friend would say: holy crappola!
