Thursday 9 September 2010

Simple things

The last day of summer. An unexpected joy. A sunny evening after a storm. An amazing view on the way back from work: the stretch South of the river from Tower Bridge to London Bridge. One of the most spectacular sights in the world, in a privileged group with the Sydney Harbour, the San Francisco Bay and the Gulf of Naples. An impulse food buy: a pot of chips with plenty of mayo, eaten on my own on a bench by the Thames. A bunch of beautiful flowers at the train station, from myself, to myself. A cigarette at dusk, in the garden, with a grumpy cat, a tiny frog and dozens of noisy ducks.

A little treasure to preserve, as the days get shorter and darker, as the clouds gather again. A sudden sense of happiness at the end of a hard day.


  1. Beautiful, OG. The cliche is true, the best things in life are free

  2. Thank you, Dr. Easy to forget what's staring at us, isn't it? xxx
