Sunday 26 September 2010

The word(s)

There are three words in the Italian language that send shivers down the spine of women from Bolzano to Messina: 'cambio di stagione'. That is to say, the biannual ritual of putting away spring/summer clothes and getting out the autumn/winter ones, or vice versa.
Today, it was my turn.
As I announced my intentions, The Man hid for the morning in one of his sheds, only to return when the swearing was over, and Roger Daltrey, screaming down the speakers, didn't need to cover his ears to avoid my profanities.
There are a number of reasons why the seasonal clothing update is a gigantic pain in the butt, especially if, like me, you are short, allergic to dust and have wimpy arms. There are hangers covered in clothes to move about the house, high shelves to reach on tiny step ladders, plastic bags to neatly fold everything into that reek with mites. Shoes, bags, sweaters, trousers, dresses and coats: all need doing. Then, time to move to the male counterpart. Even when you think you are finished, it doesn't end there. Oh no. Dirty clothes go to the cleaners' or have to be hand washed. Then put back where they belong. Shoes get reheeled, big bags dropped at the charity shop. What a palaver!

You do find out a lot about yourself in the process, though. In my case: I own way too many black dresses that look almost exactly identical; same for trousers; surprisingly my bags are on an all-time low - need more, lots more; my shoes are mainly beautiful and incredibly uncomfortable, as if I had a personal chauffeur driving me around London; I only buy clothes when I look good, so my wardrobe is full of impossibly small size 2 (US that is) items.
But there may be pleasant surprises too. Like my great grandmother's pink silk gloves and fur stole; my mum's jackets; my adored hats; Best Friend's presents; my dad's sweaters; my leather dress and trousers (yes, I have a fetish, live with it).
Hmmm, it seems to me, I have this year's trends sorted out. Leather, lots of it. If only I could indulge in Celine dresses, skirts and tops. And, considering all the hooha around the new series of Mad Men, this winter I am going to attempt the vintage look and use my inherited classic pieces. Just need to stock up on Spanx...

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