Saturday, 20 March 2010


Something has suddenly happened without me noticing. Male Friend #1 has all grown up, leaving me behind in the playground on my own. Have your parents ever been late picking you up from school, and you were the only kid left at the gate, staring at the road, waiting for their car to appear? That's how it feels. I suppose there is a time when some of us decide to settle down and become adults. You know, the whole 'stop fooling around/land a proper job/get married/buy a house/have children/get a dog' thing.
But.. I miss my partner in crime! As Male Friend #2 said, I am a bit of a child (what's wrong with wearing a paper chef hat while colouring at a lobster shack in Disney World?), and this growing up business doesn't seem that much fun. Yes, yes, responsibilities, I know. I've got plenty, believe me, but, still, how do you become a fully-fledged grown up? Who tells you this is your job for life, your career, your future? When is it the right time to stop playing and do it for real?

Which reminds me of the MGMT concert I went to this week. First of all, because their childish/innocent style that works so well on the album did not translate live. They were actually quite bad. Voice cracking a couple of times, monotonous and unimaginative drumming, dull sound. Second, because the audience consisted pretty much exclusively of cool indie kids. Sure, they were all the perfect age range and really cute. However, they just wouldn't shut up! They were all so full of themselves that dispensing their wisdom there and then was way more important than actually enjoying the music.

This is all SO unfair!

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