Thursday, 29 April 2010

E tu

In order to maintain that tiny shred of credibility I have left, I will not specify the music happening I attended last night. All I will say is that I was thrown back in time to when I was 10-12, playing old vinyls in my bedroom, some (Leonard Cohen, The Beatles, Dylan, The Doors, De Andre') more credible than others (the gentleman in question). Before I met punk, metal, garage, underground and trip hop. Yes, a looong time ago.

One thing I may have figured out, though. Being an EI may be a case of arrested development. How can I still be the same simple soul in my 30s? Writing a blog about being an EI.. Fat chance of being an adjusted grown up..
Wise people tell me that you can only love for the sake of loving when you are 18, then other 'needs' come into the equation. You know, nesting, stability, life plans. Aaarrrggghhh!!! I refuse to believe this. And I tell you more. These wise people have forgotten what it is like to fall in love. Or are too scared to try again. Mind you, it is pretty damn' scary. Just look at SF#1..

Yes, I know eff'all, but let me suggest one thing. If you are in a relationship, if there is someone in your life, if you are in love, don't waste time. Just go and kiss them. Drag them in bed, if you can/want to. Wisdom can wait.

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